Most Australian builders working on government projects in New South Wales and Victoria will have heard about the Culture Maturity Scorecard, released in draft form in late 2021.
The Scorecard is a set of 20 factors that aim to measure, and through measuring improve, the cultural maturity of builders in Australia.
Culture in Construction's Three objectives
The objective, as stated on the Culture in Construction website, is to create an industry where:
1. everyone has a place and feels valued,
2. wellbeing is prioritised across all job roles, and
3. everyone has access to flexible work options and caps on working hours, so they have time for life
Projects may be won or lost on how high a builder's Scorecard is.

Scratchie, with its emphasis on positive incentives to encourage safe working behaviours, is highly aligned with the aims of Culture in Construction.
Builders who implement Scratchie on their projects are guaranteed a 20% improvement in their Scorecard. Best of all is Scratchie costs the builder nothing.
Enter your details below to download the brief How To Improve Your Culture Maturity Scorecard By 20% to find out more.